- Protools Ultimate HDX
- (2) Avid HDIO's + (1) Apogee Symphony I/O MK1 PTHD
- Trinnov ST2 Pro
- 2013 era Mac Pro Trashcan 10-core, 128GB **Studio A
- 2013 era Mac Pro Trashcan 6-core, 64GB **Studio B
- Behringer Powerplay P16
- Dangerous Monitor ST Monitor Controller
- Protools Carbon HDX w/ 8 Preamps (STUDIO B)

- ATC SCM25A Pro
- Yamaha HS8, HS80, HS8S Subwoofer

- Manley Ref C
- Pearlman TMLE
- Soundelux U95S
- Neumann U67
- M49 (built by Randy Gardner)
- Vanguard V13
- 4x Teegarden PPC-125
- Shure KSM 313
- Soyuz 013
- AEA R88 Stereo Ribbon
- 2x Cascade Fathead
- Electro-Voice ND68
- Electro-Voice N/D868
- AKG D112
- Shure Beta 52
- 5x Sennheiser MD421
- Shure 57's
- Shure 58's
- Audix i5
- Warm Audio WA-84
- CAD e70
- Rode NT1-A

- Diezel VH4
- Marshall JCM800
- Splawn Quickrod
- Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier
- Kemper
- Morgan Amplification 1x12
- 2x Marshall 4x12's
- Marshall 4x12 Classic (Greenbacks)
- Splawn 4x12 (Creambacks)
- Aguilar Tone Hammer Preamp DI Pedal

B3 + Leslie 122
- Later 1957 Hammond B3 + Leslie 122
**w/ reverb and stop & slow Leslie motor feature**
(rebuilt by Murph Wanca at Nashville Pro Hammond, INC)

- 3x Undertone Audio MPDI-4 (12 channels)
- API 3124+
- Teegarden Audio Magic Pre 4100
- 2x Burl B1
- 2x Avedis MA5
- Chandler TG2 500
- 2x CAPI VP28
- Inward Connections The Brute 500 Series Optical Limiter
- Purple Audio MC77
- Dramastic Audio Obsidian Stereo VCA Compressor
- Burl B32
- Stam Audio SA-73
- Stam Audio 312-5T
- Inward Connections The Brute II Stereo Optical Compressor
- 3x Switchcraft 9625 DB25 TT Patchbay

- late 1960's Rogers Holiday kit
**Owned by drummer Scott Williamson**
- various WFLIII snare drums